Preços baratos por atacado de rebolo de diamante

  • Rebolo de diamante
  • Rebolo de diamante
  • Rebolo de diamante
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Diamond Grinding Wheel
  • 30DAYS
  • 200PCS POR O ANO

Diamond wheels are different in structure from ordinary abrasive wheels, and generally consist of a diamond abrasive layer, a transition layer and a matrix. Diamond wheels are super-hard abrasive wheels. Compared with ordinary abrasive wheels, diamond wheels have very obvious characteristics and advantages. According to the bonding agent, diamond grinding wheels can be divided into: resin bonding diamond grinding wheels; ceramic bonding diamond grinding wheels; metal bonding diamond grinding wheels (bronze bonding diamond grinding wheels). Due to the characteristics and advantages of diamond abrasives, diamond grinding wheels become an ideal tool for the grinding and processing of hard and brittle materials such as glass, ceramics, gems, stone and hard alloys.

Diamond wheels are different in structure from ordinary abrasive wheels, and generally consist of a diamond abrasive layer, a transition layer and a matrix. Diamond wheels are super-hard abrasive wheels. Compared with ordinary abrasive wheels, diamond wheels have very obvious characteristics and advantages. According to the bonding agent, diamond grinding wheels can be divided into: resin bonding diamond grinding wheels; ceramic bonding diamond grinding wheels; metal bonding diamond grinding wheels (bronze bonding diamond grinding wheels). Due to the characteristics and advantages of diamond abrasives, diamond grinding wheels become an ideal tool for the grinding and processing of hard and brittle materials such as glass, ceramics, gems, stone and hard alloys.

Diamond wheels are super-hard abrasive wheels. Compared with ordinary abrasive wheels, diamond wheels have very obvious characteristics and advantages:

1. The hardness of the diamond abrasive determines the main characteristics of the diamond grinding wheel. It can efficiently grind hard-to-machine materials such as hard alloys, glass and ceramics, and the grinding tools have the longest service life.

2. Diamond has high abrasion resistance, less wear of the grinding wheel, and longer use time. In the grinding process, the size, shape and morphology of diamond abrasive grains change little, which is more suitable for high precision processing and production High efficiency, diamond grinding wheel is a tool that can meet both high efficiency and precision machining.

3. A roda de diamante afiada pode manter a micro borda das partículas abrasivas por um longo tempo, e o bom desempenho de corte garante uma pequena força de retificação durante o processo de retificação, reduzindo assim o poder de retificação e economizando energia.

4. A condutividade térmica do diamante é muito boa, propícia à evacuação de calor, evitando o fenômeno de queima de peças, rachaduras e quedas de blocos, o que melhora muito a qualidade do processamento de superfície das peças.

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